‘Eye-Spy Wales’ describes my approach when photographing and writing poems about Wales. Projects that often ‘jump out at me,’ have an ephemeral content. For example, the ice crystallisations on my kitchen window melted in an hour but led to ‘Ice...
Black Angel
Inspired by Elgar’s ‘Dream of Gerontius’ The Black Angel photograph was taken by Rona Campbell and the poem by the same name, written by David Subacchi. It’s currently exhibited in the Undegun Gallery, Wrexham, North Wales until March 2020. Black Angel by...
Synesthesia Photography Exhibition: Research & Development
Water Lens Photography Invention
Rona Campbell’s Research and Development of the first ‘Water Lens,’ was awarded an Arts Council Wales grant in 1/1/2017; her second A.C.W. award and completed on the 9/4/2017. Under her title “Bottled People,” are portraits of artists, actors, singers and...