‘Eye-Spy Wales’ describes my approach when photographing and writing poems about Wales.
Projects that often ‘jump out at me,’ have an ephemeral content.
For example, the ice crystallisations on my kitchen window melted in an hour but led to ‘Ice Dance’ an exhibition that toured the UK with thirteen exhibitions. And a book by the same name.
The Eye-Spy element was to track down wherever ice was, either in the River Conway, or lichens and algae colours frozen in Welsh bogs. Eye-Spy is to find and photograph what is hidden in nature.
Recently, by chance the extraordinary mineral content of rocks on a shore of Llyn Brenig, North Wales, where within a short shoreline, a project, not only of beauty to the eye but with hidden Celtic characteristics, that inspired Brenig poems.
Three photographs exhibited in The Wrexham Open, in Undegun in 2018.
The work completed while I was Artist in Residence at Glyndwr University, North Wales between 2018-2019.
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